Arctic Land Cover Change Index - version 2019

michigan-tech-logo webCAFF is working to produce a set of satellite-based remote sensing products with a geographic focus on the pan-Artic.

MODIS satellite standard products of relevance to arctic processes are being converted to a more arctic-friendly projection facilitating a top-of-the-world analysis perspective. Satellite products are being developed for use by different stakeholder groups and products will be organized by terrestrial, marine, coastal, and freshwater disciplines. Landsat images will be used to generate additional remote sensing products at fine scale (30 meter). 

  • Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) is assisting CAFF on selecting and providing MODIS satellite products for this system. This is an on-going effort that will continue to evolve and improve over time. 

Cursory analyses have been conducted to display the potential of the MODIS suite of products in studying the pan-Arctic ecosystem.  These include early warning indictaors such as [Land Cover; Land Surface Temperature; Snow Covered Area; Net Primary Production; Chlorophyll-a; Sea Surface Temperature; Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)].

To help guide provide guidance on next steps to better incorporate remotely sensed observations into CAFFs Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP), a workshop was held December 1 in Trondheim, Norway as part of the Arctic Biodiversity CongressArcticSDI

In cooperation with the Arctic SDI CAFF is working to make this data available through the ABDS.